HANKIL (born 1975) is an artist living in seoul, korea. he refers himself as a
professional artist, and produces records and publications in a small
scale through his own established label named ‘manual.’ who released
improvised music and magazines. hankil has organised a monthly event called RELAY since 2005. hankil uses clockworks as an instrument. he is interested in finding
musical structures and so on in the vibration of objects. he focuses on
using non-instruments, abandoned objects like old telephones and

"적대적인 글쓰기에 능한 타자기는 무엇인가를 쓰고자 하는 사람에게로 전해졌다. 죽었으나 살아 움직이는 이 괴물은 특유의 집요함을 스스로 입증하고 있다. 심지어 괴물이 내는 소리는 그 자체로 하나의 역사이다. 모두들 괴물의 이름을 알고 그 괴물의 역사를 알고 있다. 그러나 괴물의 움직임에 대한 기록은 어디에서도 찾을 수가 없었다. 무엇인가를 쓰고자 하는 사람은 그 괴물의 적대적인 능력에 매료된다. 그의 선택이 가져올 파국이 점점 눈 앞에 그려진다. 스스로 선택하였으나 동시에 회피하기를 궁리하기 시작한다. 없는 기록을 기록하고자 한다. 남길 수 있는 기록은 어떠한 톤밖에 없다. 다르게 작동하는 격발 장치로서의 톤."
"a typewriter proficient at ‘hostile writing’ was handed to a person who wants to write something. this dead yet living monster proves itself its unique tenaciousness. even the sound that the monster makes is itself a history. everybody knows the monster’s name and the monster’s history. however, the records of the monster’s motion were nowhere to be found. a person who wants to write something is fascinated by the monster’s hostile proficiency. a catastrophe brought about by the person’s choice is being gradually visible. it is his or her own choice, but the person starts to think how the consequences are avoidable, at the same time. to record a record that does not exist. only thing can be recorded is a certain tone. a tone that functions as a trigger that differently operates." (RYU HANKIL, 2012)
"a typewriter proficient at ‘hostile writing’ was handed to a person who wants to write something. this dead yet living monster proves itself its unique tenaciousness. even the sound that the monster makes is itself a history. everybody knows the monster’s name and the monster’s history. however, the records of the monster’s motion were nowhere to be found. a person who wants to write something is fascinated by the monster’s hostile proficiency. a catastrophe brought about by the person’s choice is being gradually visible. it is his or her own choice, but the person starts to think how the consequences are avoidable, at the same time. to record a record that does not exist. only thing can be recorded is a certain tone. a tone that functions as a trigger that differently operates." (RYU HANKIL, 2012)
written & sounds by RYU HANKIL. recorded at STEIM, amsterdam, 2011 by HONG CHULKI. edited by LIM KYUNG YONG. design by KARL NAWROT and WALTER WARTON. clover 10S korean typewriter was used. published by MEDIABUS. distributed by THE BOOK SOCIETY